Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Donations...

Carl Scholl and Cory O'Bryan

Without the donation of the B-17 wing panel by Carl Scholl of Aero Trader in March 2010,  the 384th Bomb Group wouldn't be able to have a project like this for its veterans. Carl understood what this would mean to the veterans and made a special effort to help them by donating the B-17 wing panel to the Group. And for that we will always be deeply appreciative of him and remember his heartfelt contribution.

Carl Scholl,  August 2010

Cory O'Bryan, August 2010
Cory O'Bryan, who works at Fighter Rebuilders as an aircraft restorer, made the panel special with his beautiful hand painted artwork, accurately depicting the squadron emblems and Group markings, evoking the special time that our country fought in WWII.  The veterans love these images and we're very appreciative of Cory donating his time and talent for these heroes every time we see and display the panel. Without these images, the wing panels connection to the Group's storied past and lore would not be possible.

Our Special Hosts

The project would not be possible except for some very generous and caring people in the Group, and for that we can all be thankful that such people exist. These people have donated their time and financial support, physically transporting the B-17 wing panel themselves to the veterans as Hosts.  The Hosts are wonderful people who volunteer to bring the B-17 wing panel to each veteran that wants to sign the panel. It takes a great deal of love, time, care, and commitment to do this. And so being a special person or persons is the main requirement to be a Host for the panel. They have made it possible for the project to be shipped our veterans. The panel has been made available for signing by the Hosts in California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, North Dakota, Montana, Colorado, Missouri, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Texas.

The following people have been Hosts for the project and have provided the panel to our veterans to sign or have taken care of the panel or have helped to ship it:

Fred and Gail Preller
Gordon Preller
Frank and Carol Alfter
Tom and Linda Rowley
Dennis and Patricia Bielskis
Sheldon Vernon
Ray Lustig and Susan Taylor

A special thanks also to Ken Decker who provided the project a copy of his list of veterans addresses and phone numbers he created during his own incredible research project interviewing veterans and documenting the stories and lore of the veterans of the 384th Bomb Group. This list was instrumental in reaching veterans in the Northeast that weren't members of the 384th BG, Inc. His support and encouragement was especially helpful.

Also, we have to thank the Pima Air Museum and the 390th Bomb Group Memorial Museum for providing their assistance in receiving and shipping the panel, as well as the Branson Military Museum who also assisted as a receiving and shipping address.